We have been counting!
Click on this video to see what we have been watching: http://safeshare.tv/w/fqAuggpvzl
Here are the 4 math stations we have been exploring:

1. Pom Poms Galore: building number recognition and identification, fine motor pincher fingers, and one to one correspondence (CC1: Know number names and the Count Sequence; CC4A, B, C: Count to tell the Number of Objects)

2. Pin the Number: number identification and matching clothespins to the number, oral counting (CC1: Know the number names and the Count Sequence; CC4A,B,C: count to tell the Number of Objects)

3. Gumball math: number identification, number formation, and one to one correspondence (CC1: Know the number names and the count sequence; CC4A,B,C: count to tell the Number of Objects)

To learn more about the Math Common Core Standards visit: