Thursday, September 17, 2015

Exploring Math Stations

We have been very busy learning and exploring in our math stations!

We have been counting!
Click on this video to see what we have been watching:

Here are the 4 math stations we have been exploring:

1. Pom Poms Galore: building number recognition and identification, fine motor pincher fingers, and one to one correspondence (CC1: Know number names and the Count Sequence; CC4A, B, C: Count to tell the Number of Objects)

2. Pin the Number: number identification and matching clothespins to the number, oral counting (CC1: Know the number names and the Count Sequence; CC4A,B,C: count to tell the Number of Objects)

3. Gumball math: number identification, number formation, and one to one correspondence (CC1: Know the number names and the count sequence; CC4A,B,C: count to tell the Number of Objects)

4. Play dough work mats: number identification, number formation, building ten frame correspondence, one to one correspondence, and oral couting (CC1,3: Know the number names and the Count Sequence)

To learn more about the Math Common Core Standards visit:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Click here if you are interested in buying this book!
This week, we read the book, "Have You Filled A Bucket Today? (A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids)" written by Carol McCloud.  This book shares the thought that everyone carries around an invisible bucket that contains our varied emotions and feelings.  When we are happy, our bucket is filled, but when our bucket is empty, we are feeling sad or unhappy.
In class we will be emphasizing be a "Bucket Filler" which is someone that fills someone's bucket with feelings of happiness by saying and doing nice things to others.  Some of the chararcteristics of a "Bucket Filler" are sharing, listening, helping, using kind words, etc.  At the same time of filling someone else's bucket, you are filling your own bucket as well!

Image result for bucket filling gif
Click here to watch the video for "Fill Your Bucket"
We will also be discussing not being a "Bucket Dipper" who is someone who says and does things that may hurt someone else's feelings.

Each day, we will be filling our classroom bucket with "warm & fuzzies".  We have already began filling our bucket!  The children are doing an amazing job showing kindness to each other.