Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What are you grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

 Please add your thoughts and pictures of what you are grateful for when you click on the + sign and start typing.Please feel free to add pictures of the things you are grateful for.   Any questions, please let me know! We will share all of your answers in class!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Made with Padlet

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
The children put on a wonderful concert Thursday, November 16th and Friday, November 17th with the help of Mrs. Alvardo, the music teacher.
Family and friends were treated to a special treat by all of the Kindergarten students.
The children sang the song "Gratitude Attitude" and selected students shared their thoughts and feelings.  Next, we heard "5 Little Turkeys" and "Singing and Signing Thanks" which the children learned and sang using sign language.  It was quite special!

Then, the children sang a beautiful song called "Leaves are Changing" and the adorable "Have You Ever Seen a Turkey?" 

Finally, they finished the concert with "Turkey Woogie" which was so fun to watch and got everyone clapping and moving!

It was such a great concert!