Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Throughout the month of November, the children and I expressed our gratitude and thanks for so many things.  Last week, we were able to celebrate all of what we are grateful for.  The children had many things to share what they were thankful for: their pets, families, cousins, and toys, of course!
The children began with making their Pilgrim hats and setting the table for our feast.  We even "carved" our turkey.  The children were very surprised to see that it was filled with popcorn!

We all hope that you were able to spend time with your family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday and wish you the best during this holiday season!

Thank you to all of the parents who donated water bottles, popcorn, napkins, plates, and corn muffins.  The children even got to make their own butter.  Some were adventurous enough to try it!  It was delicious!

I am so thankful that I get to teach each of your children.  The look of excitement, wonder, and laughter everyday makes my day.  Thank you to you, the parents, for your support, understanding and kindness.  Working together with all of you is amazing.
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Good morning kindergarten scientists!

Today our student teacher from Endicott College, Miss Ryder, led the class in a literature based science experiment.

First we read the hilariously funny book by B.J. Novak called The Book With No Pictures.

After reading the story, the children were shown the special ingredients they used for our experiment.  They were then asked to go to a table and assigned a task.
Each student got to add their ingredient to the bowl: glue, liquid starch, and acrylic paint. The mixer was the first one to begin to squish and knead.  With each ingredient, the children were asked if each ingredient is a liquid or a solid.  Then the real fun began as the mixing began!  The laughter, giggles and faces were so fun to watch as the Bluurf was began to take form!
After the Bluurf was made, the children gathered at the rug for a discussion about the experiment.  The children had to explain whether the Bluurf was a liquid or a solid.

If you would like to make your own Bluurf, here is the recipe:
1 cup Elmer's glue
1 cup Liquid starch
Acrylic paint- just a squirt
Squish and knead for about 4 to 5 minutes.
*It makes enough for 4 children to share so if you don't want that much decrease the recipe by half.

Please share with a comment and picture if you make this fun science experiment at home!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Twenty Yawns

Over the past few weeks, the children have been a part of Global Read Aloud which is an author study that is done internationally.  We have been reading books written and illustrated by Laura Castillo. 
Last week, we read the book Twenty Yawns by Jane Smiley and illustrated by Lauren Castillo.
It was a story about settling down after a long day at the beach and snuggling with your favorite stuffed animal.  We asked the children to bring in their favorite stuffed animals and talk about their favorite things to do with it. 
The first reading was done by Mrs. Baker.  Each time she read the word "yawn" the children had to raise their hands.  Needless to say, this brought about many laughs and giggles.
Then, Mrs. Marshall came in to talk to children about calming strategies.  The children learned breathing techniques and listened to calming music.

These children are really beginning to show their writing skills!  The prompt was "What do you like to do with your favorite stuffed animals?"  Every one did a great job!
Check out our awesome video!  It was so much fun making it!


Please comment below to let us know what you think of our movie!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Halloween

Halloween 2016 is in the books!  We had a blast celebrating Halloween on a Monday!
Here we are ready to go and then so tired from the parade!
Costumes were great and the smiles, even the silly faces, were even better!
A huge to thank to all who helped to organize, volunteer their time, and donated items to make our Halloween party so successful!  We were able to enjoy an arts and craft activity with coloring and foam stickers and delicious snacks.  We kept to a healthy party of popcorn, pretzels, apple slices, and fruit along with water.

The last night of October homework was to count your candy.  Please comment below to share how many pieces you got trick or treating!
Also, please remember the Fuller Meadow School Council is collecting Halloween candy (cards and letters, too) for Operation Troop Support.  If your family would like to participate, please send in your candy donations to school by November 9th.