Thursday, October 15, 2015

Duck! Rabbit!

For the next few weeks, the children & I are taking part in Global Read Aloud (GRA).  GRA is an author study that connects children in classrooms all around the world.  We are reading books from the author Amy Krouse Rosenthal.  Last week, we read the story Chopsticks.
This week we are reading the book Duck! Rabbit!
click here.
 We Skyped with Mrs. Dunn's first grade class at the Steward School in Topsfield, MA.
First we began by introducing our classrooms to each other.  We shared how many students are in our class, our grade, and what town we live in.  Many of the Topsfield children knew Richardson's Dairy and many of our student knew about the Topsfield Fair.  We made great connections right away!
Next, we received many great pieces of advice from the first graders to our Kindergarten children.  Some advice was "work hard", "get ready to learn", "always listen when your teacher is talking", and "remember to include everyone".
Then, we began sharing our opinion of whether it was a duck or rabbit.  Mrs. Dunn asked "If you think it is a duck, stand up!"  The children then stood up and were able to share why they think it was a duck. Then, Mrs. Dunn asked "If you think it is a rabbit, please stand up!"  The children stood up if they thought it was a rabbit and shared their reasons. Mrs. Dunn's class was using clip boards to record the data.  
Finally we were able to analyze the data and see the results!
We are asking you: mom's, dad's, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters, please click on the story and watch the video of the story.  Then make a comment to tell us what you think it is: a duck or rabbit!
We will be collecting the data and making observations!
Check out our PicPlayPost!!! It is awesome!!! Click here!!

free glitter text and family website at


  1. Dear Mrs. Newton's class,
    I think it was a rabbit!
    Love, Mrs. Leake

  2. I think it's a rabbit.
    Jacqui, Trevor's mom.

  3. Hannah's dad: rabbit
    Hannah's brother: duck

  4. I keep changing my mind but I think it is a duck because it has a bill like a duck. I can't wait to see your results!
    :) Mrs. Dell Isola

  5. Ava's Mom: Rabbit
    Ava: Rabbit
    Ava's brother, Gavin: Duck

  6. Trevor's brother, Brodie, thinks it is a rabbit.

  7. Hi Mrs. Newton's class!!!!!
    I definitely think it's a duck!
    My son Quinn thinks it's a rabbit and my daughter Riley thinks it is both.
    Can't wait to see what you find, have fun.
    Mrs. Dexter

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Dexter, for sharing your opinion! Thanks to your children too!

  8. Hi boys and girls, it's Mrs. Baker!! I think it's a rabbit!

  9. Hi there, Mrs. Newton's Class.
    Cameron's Dad thinks it is a RABBIT.
    Cameron's Mom thinks it is a RABBIT.
    Cameron thinks it is a RABBIT.
    Cameron's big brother, AJ, thinks it is a RABBIT.

  10. Thank you to the Farese Family for commenting and publishing on our blog!

  11. I think its a rabbit.

    Nikola's dad

  12. I think it is a duck....or a rabbit?
    It's a rabbit.
    I think.

    XO, Mrs. Carreiro

  13. Hi Mrs Newtons class

    Lily's family says...

    Daddy- duck
    Mya- duck
    Hailey- duck

  14. Hi Mrs Newton

    Here's the Leonforte families vote
    Daddy.... Duck
    Mommy... Duck
    Mya..... Duck
    Lily.... Duck
    Hailey... Duck
    Hannah.... Duck

