To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we began with answering the question

"What will you find at the end of the rainbow?"
We brainstormed lots of ideas such as a pot of gold, $100, and a house by the beach! Then, we made magical headbands to wear for the day!
Next, we read Jaime O'Rourke and the Big Potato by Tomie DePaola. The children made predictions about the ending of the story. We retold the story using pictures. Finally, we made connections to the text and ourselves.
click on the book to listen to the story |
Finally, our Rainbow Science Experiments began! The children had to predict what would happen based on the materials being used.
Ask your child which one was their favorite!
Try this one at home & share your results by posting them here with a comment!
What you will need: shallow pie pan, whole milk or half & half, food coloring, popsicle stick and dish liquid
Directions: pour the whole milk in pan, add drops of food coloring around the edge of the pan in rainbow order, dip the tip of the popsicle stick in the dis liquid, then place the stick in the middle of the pan and watch the magic!
Don't forget to report back and share your findings!
Ava had us do this "science experiment" as soon as she came home from school that day! We used shaving cream and red food coloring :)