Friday, November 4, 2016

Twenty Yawns

Over the past few weeks, the children have been a part of Global Read Aloud which is an author study that is done internationally.  We have been reading books written and illustrated by Laura Castillo. 
Last week, we read the book Twenty Yawns by Jane Smiley and illustrated by Lauren Castillo.
It was a story about settling down after a long day at the beach and snuggling with your favorite stuffed animal.  We asked the children to bring in their favorite stuffed animals and talk about their favorite things to do with it. 
The first reading was done by Mrs. Baker.  Each time she read the word "yawn" the children had to raise their hands.  Needless to say, this brought about many laughs and giggles.
Then, Mrs. Marshall came in to talk to children about calming strategies.  The children learned breathing techniques and listened to calming music.

These children are really beginning to show their writing skills!  The prompt was "What do you like to do with your favorite stuffed animals?"  Every one did a great job!
Check out our awesome video!  It was so much fun making it!


Please comment below to let us know what you think of our movie!


  1. Love hearing those little voices ❤️ Mrs. Hanley

  2. This is the sweetest video! Alex keeps playing it over and over again and telling us about her friends! Keep the blog updates coming! They are so great!
