The children have completed a unit of study on Nonfiction Texts.
We began by asking the question "What is nonfiction?"
We learned that nonfiction texts are books that teach us something new with true information and facts.
Using the anchor chart, the children began to understand about nonfiction authors and why they write these types of books.
In learning about what nonfiction authors do, we were able to look at different types of nonfiction texts to connect the information on the anchor charts. It was exciting to see the connection the children were able to make between the Table of Contents and the headings, or the bold words to the glossary, and the special features authors use to highlight important information like captions with the photographs, fun facts, and cut-aways.
We even made Twitter when we were discovering and sharing in a turn and talk with our buddies.

Then, the children used their new knowledge about nonfiction texts to compare the roles of authors and illustrators. Together we made this chart describing the different roles.
Then the children got to make their own!
We used nonfiction texts to learn about polar bears.
Please watch this adorable imovie we made using the app Explain Everything!
We hope you enjoy and learn some new facts about polar bears!

The polar bear video compilation is adorable!