Thursday, January 9, 2020

Visit from Meteorologist Hayley LaPoint

A Visit from WMUR's Channel 9  Meteorologist
Hayley LaPoint

The children had the opportunity to meet  WMUR's Meteorologist Hayley LaPoint.  She was a Topsfield resident and a Masconomet graduate.  She gave the children a behind the scene look at what being a meteorologist is really like!  It was so much fun and everyone learned so much!

Here's a quick snap shot of her sneak peek at work!
In class, the children have been learning about meteorology, different types of weather and the different tools used to measure weather.  Ms. LaPoint was able to give the children wonderful examples of weather and what being a meteorologist is really like.
 Who are meteorologists?
Then, Ms. LaPoint described different types of clouds and what they mean for the weather.  She even had the students learn had motions in order to learn them.
 Cumulus clouds are puffy.
Cirrus clouds are high.
Stratus clouds are flat.
Nimbostratus are rain clouds.
What is a thunderstorm?
The children will be learning about different types of severe weather and how to stay safe.  This was a great introduction to learning about this topic.

A huge thank you to Ms. LaPoint, Meteorologist from WMUR Channel 9, for coming to visit!

a big thank you to the Middleton PTO for organizing such a great visit!

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